Corporations, markets, financial services and consumer credit law


Reid PSM, Cathy

Chief Counsel Commercial

Terry, Nick

National Leader, Commercial

We understand how the Commonwealth does business with business. We understand the legal and governance processes unique to the Commonwealth. Our unique understanding of the relationship between the Commonwealth and the Australian financial market gives us the capacity to advise strategically and commercially on relevant structure, documentation and considerations.

With unrivalled expertise in establishing Commonwealth corporations and entities, and know-how to stress-test our models to ensure they are tailored to meet the Government's objectives, we also comply with all relevant government frameworks and policies. Our work across multiple agencies means our clients benefit from our real-time knowledge of best practice from across the Commonwealth. Our governance protocols will robustly withstand internal and external scrutiny at the highest levels.

We understand the drivers of the banking and finance sector – with practitioners experienced inside and outside of the public sector – and have acted as Solicitors Assisting the royal commission into the financial services sector so our team has unique lived experience in financial law from a regulator's perspective.

Having worked extensively with ASIC and the ACCC in the corporations and financial markets regulatory space, our depth of regulatory expertise means we are best-placed to assist in investigations and enforcement options, tailoring swift effective enforcement action where appropriate, and managing large and complex litigation when necessary. We negotiate strategically and commercially sound outcomes.

We have expertise in taxation law, banking and finance, consumer and competition law, corporations law, civil enforcement, corporate law and public administration. What sets us apart is that all of our expertise is framed from a whole-of-government perspective.

These areas of law often involve complex interactions between government and substantial market entities. AGS will only act for government and in the long-term interests of government. We will never be commercially conflicted in these often sensitive interactions. That gives our clients confidence in knowing they have access to the best people with unique market, regulatory and government insights and depth of enforcement expertise.