You will leave an AGS course with new knowledge, valuable insight and a fresh perspective. You will also receive comprehensive and up-to-date course manuals which can be used in the workplace as a handy reference tool.

AGS provides a comprehensive program of legal training courses, which are designed specifically for both lawyers and non-lawyers from Commonwealth agencies.

We offer some complimentary places in our training courses to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian Government employees.

Our presenters are all AGS lawyers who are subject matter experts in the subjects they teach. AGS training sessions are full of interactive exercises, examples and challenging discussions, and draw on the valuable experience participants themselves bring along.

Our courses attract CLE/CPD points. For more information see our CPD page.

AGS can deliver our standard course modules 'in-house' or we can tailor these and other presentations to suit your agency's needs. See Custom courses for more information.

The majority of our courses are run online but we also offer courses in Canberra and occasionally other jurisdictions throughout the year. See our Training calendar page for upcoming training dates.

Contact us

For further information about any of our courses, please contact or call (02) 6253 7464.


Visit our Training Calendar page to register for available courses.

Courses (in alphabetical order)

*Please note: Information and registration for the Foundational Australian Government Lawyer Training Program is now available on the AGLS website.

Subject Duration Cost
Administrative law 2 days $1,770
Advice writing half day $460
Affidavits – preparation, use and pitfalls half day $460
Archives Act – key exemptions half day $460
Code of conduct – applying sanctions 1 day $920
Constitutional issues in program design half day $460
Contract management 3 hours $400
Delegations and authorisations 3 hours $400
Evaluating tenders 2 hours $280
FOI exemptions and decision-making 1 day $920
Grant programs: An overview of the legal and policy framework half day $460
How laws are made: An overview of the legislative process half day $460
How to run a code of conduct investigation 2 days $2,030
How to undertake a review of action 1 day $920
Introduction to civil litigation process half day $460
Introduction to contract law 2 hours $280
Introduction to privacy 1 day $920
Key legal issues in grants 1.5 hours $230
Legislative instruments: What you need to know 2.5 hours $340
Managing a code of conduct investigation 1 day $920
Managing FOI requests effectively 1 day $920
Managing persistent complainants 1.5 hours $230
Masterclass – privacy and employment half day $460
Officers' due diligence duties under the WHS Act 1 hour $170
Online legal resources 1.5 hours free
PGPA Act for officials of corporate Commonwealth entities 2.5 hours $340
PGPA Act for officials of non-corporate Commonwealth entities 2.5 hours $340
Practical privacy 1 day $920
Principles of decision-making 1 day $920
Privacy Reforms: getting ready for the changes Half day $460
Procedural fairness – cases and principles half day $460
Public Interest Disclosure Act for Authorised Officers half day $460
Public Interest Disclosure Act for Investigators 1 day $920
Public Interest Disclosure Act for Principal Officer Delegates half day $460
Responding to subpoenas half day $460
Statement of reasons half day $460
Statutory interpretation half day $460
Strategically managing privacy risks 2 hours $280
Tendering and procurement 3 hours $400
Understanding legislation half day $460
What entity is that? A guide to public and private entities 1 hour $170