
Current vacancies

AGS vacancies are advertised on the AGS recruitment portal job board. To be considered for a current advertised vacancy, applications are required to be submitted via the recruitment portal.

Contacts for vacancies

Commercial and Business Services
Kim Da Pozzo | 02 6253 7272

Dispute Resolution
Jill Mackay | 02 9581 7568

Office of General Counsel, AGS Finance and Cross Practice Services
Natalie Lightfoot | 02 6253 7529

National – Graduate employment
Graduate Recruitment | 02 6253 7523

Expressions of Interest

In addition to the vacancies on our recruitment portal, AGS accepts expressions of interest from lawyers at all levels, at any time.

As the Australian Government’s central legal practice, we are trusted advisors to the government, with offices in every capital city. If you are passionate about navigating new challenges and exploring solutions to deliver best outcomes, find out more about becoming part of the AGS team.

To express your interest, please send your CV and transcript through to our HR Business Partner, Jill Mackay. Please note to work at AGS you need to be an Australian Citizen.