
Reid PSM, Cathy

Chief Counsel Commercial

Nance, Emily

Deputy Chief Solicitor Dispute Resolution

Administrative law

AGS has unrivalled national expertise to advise government in all matters relating to the environment, climate change, energy and water.

We have 20 years of experience in navigating the complexities of the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Since being involved in its formulation, AGS is now the authoritative expert in its interpretation and application to government.

Our national footprint means we have a deep understanding of all Commonwealth, State and Territory planning, environment and heritage protection legislation, how this applies to your activities, and those of your tenants and contractors.

We bring a Commonwealth perspective and local understanding to stakeholder engagement in contentious matters, particularly to issues relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984.

The unique skillset found at AGS means we can help you frame and draft initiatives into workable laws. Our precedential and lived experience in statutory interpretation and constitutional issues is unmatched and has been deployed in significant and complex national environmental reforms.

We are used to working collaboratively with your in-house team. We understand that many matters are politically sensitive, time-critical and are the subject of significant public interest and scrutiny. We have the whole-of-government experience to strategically manage competing interests and to provide robustly defensible advice. We are the experts at navigating all the sensitivities associated with contentious environmental issues unique to government.

Our work in energy reform, across multiple agencies, spans more than a decade. We have advised and helped enact national frameworks in the gas and electricity sector, and have a deep understanding of the complex intersections between Commonwealth and State and Territory laws and regulations.

We are also expert at providing commercial and contractual advice on a wide range of environmental and energy projects, grant and agreements, including water buy-backs and water efficiency grants, solar and energy efficiency grant programs.

Importantly, AGS only acts for government. In an area of law that frequently seeks to balance competing interests, we will always act in the best interests of government and its broader environmental aims and objectives.