AGS has an unrivalled expertise in public law litigation within a government context. Because we only work with Commonwealth entities, we understand your drivers and your operating context. Public law is what we do.
We understand that public law litigation can cut across multiple issues and agencies. Our whole-of-government perspective means we offer a broad strategic view of government where matters are not compartmentalised. We know how agencies intersect and interact and can help leverage that knowledge.
Government litigation must robustly withstand scrutiny. The model litigant policy and Legal Service Directions are in our DNA. This deep cultural alignment with our Commonwealth clients enables us to identify and help you to manage potential issues before they become critical.
Our practitioners have extensive lived understanding around a range of legal issues that arise in a public law context, including freedom of association, ombudsman issues, public interest disclosures and all privilege issues unique to the Commonwealth, particularly Public Interest Immunity (PII) and Parliamentary Privilege. These are specific areas of law with specific applications to government that require specialist experience.
Public law litigation often involves issues around statutory interpretation. Our authoritative experts have analytical skills and corporate memory, helped by our opinions database, in this often complex area that are second to none.
We will never be conflicted against government. Our interests will always align with those of our clients. That is, in achieving the best and robustly defensible outcomes for government in the long term.
Where we can avoid litigation, we will do so. We are always mindful of the budgetary frameworks within which you operate. We are experts in alternative dispute resolution and often achieve excellent results through conciliation, arbitration or mediation. Our extensive knowledge of the legal environment which the Commonwealth operates in assists us to identify opportunities that other firms may miss.
Public law litigation requires specific skillsets and a contextual understanding of government that sets it apart from commercial litigation. AGS has the depth and breadth of those skills across its national practice to handle your matter, regardless of its scale or complexity.