Buckland KC, Andrew

Chief General Counsel

Constitutional Litigation

Andrew was appointed Commonwealth King’s Counsel on 6 March 2025. He was appointed AGS Chief General Counsel in December 2021, following a 24–year career as a government lawyer. Andrew specialises in constitutional law, statutory interpretation, administrative law, executive power and federal jurisdiction issues. He works closely with clients and the Commonwealth Solicitor-General to protect and promote the Commonwealth’s interests.

Andrew previously led AGS’s constitutional litigation practice, and has acted for the Commonwealth in over 100 constitutional cases including many of the most significant and high-profile decisions for the Commonwealth. He has led cases in the High Court and other superior courts, including Williams (No 1) and Williams (No 2) dealing with executive power, litigation involving challenges to COVID-19 related travel restrictions, same sex marriage reform, challenges to taxation and electoral reforms, the evolution of the freedom of political communication and the challenge to the Work Choices legislation.

Andrew has published papers and delivered presentations on a range of topical constitutional and administrative law issues. He has previously been outposted to the Treasury and to the Department of Health.