Lukeman, Anna

Senior General Counsel

Anna has over 25 years of experience in the Office of General Counsel, with over half of that time spent on outpost with various agencies. Her outpost roles have involved working on specialised projects, developing legislative packages and providing statutory interpretation, constitutional and other legal advice. She has also been a member of the Constitutional Litigation Unit, where she instructed on several significant High Court cases.

She is currently outposted to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, where she provides specialist advice in relation to the national energy laws and helps develop legislative packages to amend those laws. Before that, she was outposted to Treasury for 4 years, where she advised on all aspects of Treasury’s legislation, and the Department of Climate Change for 2 years, where she led the legislation team developing the regulations supporting the Carbon Farming Initiative and the Australian National Registry of Emission Units. Earlier in her career she was outposted to AusIndustry (where she worked on the R&D tax offset), ComSuper (where she worked on a project to document benefit calculations) and Employment (where she advised on the fair entitlements guarantee).