Page, Damian
Deputy Chief General Counsel
Damian is one of the Commonwealth’s most renowned legal experts, and has almost 30 years of experience in AGS advising clients on a broad range of complex constitutional and public law issues. He is recognised as one of the Commonwealth’s leading advisers on defence and security law issues and national security legislation, boasting extensive experience and specialist expertise in interpreting legislation and identifying legislative issues. He regularly advises clients on constitutional issues, including the scope of the Commonwealth’s legislative powers and executive power. Damian has also been closely involved in assisting clients to develop significant legislative schemes and amendments.
Over many years, he has advised numerous clients on legal issues spanning the spectrum of government activity including the operation and effect of Commonwealth privacy and secrecy laws, health and social security law, defence and national security legislation, and telecommunications interception legislation. He is experienced in advising clients on the application of State and Territory law to the Commonwealth, its instrumentalities, servants, agents and property.
Damian was outposted for several years to an intelligence agency, where he first gained significant experience in advising on the effect of national security legislation.