AGS boosts its support to help disadvantaged young people

AGS has boosted our support to the Cyber Volunteer Project (CVP), adding an additional 14 lawyers to help young disadvantaged people access justice.

CVP began as a partnership between Youth Law Australia (YLA) and King & Wood Mallesons (KWM), bringing together a network of pro bono lawyers across Australia from partner firms including KWM, Australian Securities & Investments Commission, Telstra and Microsoft. AGS has, as part of our pro bono program, partnered with YLA since 2019.

YLA, previously known as the National Children’s and Youth Law Centre, is a community legal centre dedicated to representing the rights and interests of children and young people under the age of 25. It advises on a wide range of areas from civil and administrative law, to criminal law and family law. Issues covered by the centre include cyberbullying, image-based abuse, motor vehicle issues, education disputes (school fees and rules), unfair dismissal and child protection.

With the additional 14 lawyers, AGS now has 27 lawyers on the CVP team who will work on a roster system to respond to the requests for advice allocated to them by YLA.

Find out more how the CVP is innovating access to justice for children.

AGS’s pro bono work

AGS lawyers have a long tradition of using their professional skills to support community interests though pro bono work. Find out more how our pro bono work supports communities and organisations across Australia and overseas.