Pro bono training to support JusticeNet

Samuel Witton, AGS Senior Lawyer, delivered training to support JusticeNet, one of our pro bono clients. JusticeNet, which is based in Adelaide, runs a number of programs to support charitable organisations and assist individuals from a disadvantaged background, including organising a Continuing Professional Development program this year.

The organisation acts as a ‘clearing house’, providing referral services to ensure individuals and charitable organisations are able to access support from the South Australian legal profession. It also provides a free outreach legal service for people at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness.

Sam’s session ‘Emojis in the workplace - the employment law considerations of using emojis and ‘non-traditional’ communication forms’ discussed the increase in methods of non-traditional communication, including simplified language, diagrams, text messages and emojis.

The presentation explored a number of questions arising from the use of non-traditional communications, including if these communications have legal effect and whether they should be used in the workplace. The workshop also considered the legal benefits that can arise from embracing non-traditional methods of communication as well as potential risks to employers from using non-traditional communication forms.

For further details visit the AGS pro bono page.