Who should attend
This course is best suited to experienced decision-makers and agency legal staff.
By any standard, procedural fairness is the largest single issue (or set of issues) confronting administrative decision-makers across government. This course combines coverage of key principles with a review of the most recent case law.
This course aims to increase familiarity and effectiveness with procedural fairness issues.
Our presenters are AGS lawyers who have a great depth of knowledge of the government environment and who practise extensively in the area of law covered by a particular session.
They illuminate important principles with real-world examples, encourage active discussion of the issues and lead participants through practical problem-solving exercises.
This is a half-day course, either 9 am – 12.30 pm or 1.30 – 5 pm.
Standard fee – $460 (inclusive of GST) per person. No more than 20 people will be accepted on each course and courses will only be conducted if we receive sufficient nominations.